Working papers and reports

Rouillard, J., Neverre, N., & Rinaudo, J. D. (2022). Hydrogeology Journal, 30(1), 21-36.
This paper investigates factors that hamper stakeholders’ involvement in the management of large confined aquifer systems. We illustrate how participatory scenario analysis can be used to trigger collective action. Engaging stakeholders in futures thinking at the beginning of the participatory process is a powerful approach to generating a commitment for collective action on groundwater.

C. Antoine, L. Abasq, S. Loudin, J.-D. Rinaudo, J.-P, David, F. Poussin (2023).
TSM 9 2023 – Page(s) 103-120.
Cet article évalue le potentiel des Solutions Fondées sur la Nature pour améliorer la recharge des eaux souterraines et plus globalement la gestion quantitative de l’eau dans le bassin de la Seudre. La méthode combine approche participative et modélisation.

Rouillard, Babitt, Challies & Rinaudo, eds. (2022) IWA publishing, 20 chapters, 275 p.
This book compiles an international account of water allocation policies supporting a transition to sustainable water use in regions where agriculture is the dominant water use. It covers 13 national, state and transboundary case studies of water allocation policy, covering cases from Europe, the Americas, Central Asia, the Middle East and the Pacific region.

Sarah Loudin, Charles Antoine.
This presentation was made for the ENGEES conference on “Nature-based solutions and water-related risks: Insights from humanities and social sciences ?”, which took place in Strasbourg (France) on 5-7/06/2024. The presentation gives an overview of the work done on the Seudre case study (France) with local partners to discuss the implementation of 3 Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and their quantitative impacts on the river and its aquifer. In addition to evaluating the NbS’ impacts, the perceptions of participants on the subject were monitored throughout their involvement in a series of workshops

In Taiwan, excessive groundwater extraction causes the compaction of geological layers, leading to land subsidence at a rate of several centimeters per year. This phenomenon destabilizes infrastructure and increases the risk of flooding in low lands, particularly due to marine submersion. To mitigate this issue, it is crucial to reduce water extraction, but this cannot be achieved without the active involvement of the stakeholders who depend on it. To address this, BRGM and the National Taiwan University have initiated a participatory research program aimed at co-developing sustainable and acceptable solutions with local stakeholders. This first episode of the series explores their initial perceptions of the problem.