3 years
INCLUSIVE project is being implemented between 2021-2023
4 countries
INCLUSIVE project bring together partners from France, USA, Taiwan and Russia
7 case studies
INCLUSIVE focuses at different geographical, and cultural and political contexts
Over 200 stakeholders
INCLUSIVE project will involve stakeholders at different levels international, national, case study level, including regulators, managers, end-users, grass roots , citizen, and others
Role of stakeholders in groundwater management
To manage for the undesirable impacts of groundwater depletion, many countries often begin by seeking to use systems of regulation to restrict groundwater use. Their implementation often remains problematic from low compliance with set rules, arising in part from little involvement of stakeholders in establishing groundwater use rules.
Many factors make stakeholder engagement in groundwater management difficult. As groundwater management usually focuses mostly on limiting (current) groundwater abstraction, there is limited scope for broader solutions, including supply augmentation and operations, which benefit current water abstractors, making current water users de facto opponents to rules expected to negatively impact them.
What are our objectives and our approach?
Our main objectives are to show that well-designed stakeholder processes can deliver socially accepted management rules with higher likelihood of compliance, thereby enhancing groundwater long-term sustainability. We focus on how effective stakeholder involvement improves stakeholder groundwater literacy, develops capacity to think long-term and capture trade-offs, and helps in developing innovative rules. We also investigate how a shift from narrowly defined groundwater management to conjunctive soil and groundwater management by including to (water) retention, recharge, and nature-based solutions gives more chances for successful stakeholder process outcomes.
This “portfolio approach” to regional and basin water management has increased the robustness and reduced the costs and environmental impact of many water systems globally, and has potential to greatly ease the short-term burdens of improving groundwater sustainability. Analysis by simulation and optimization model and, more importantly, social learning and participatory discussions and decisions are central to developing and successfully implementing such effective portfolios of water supply and demand management actions.
Who and Where?
Our team consists of experts and researchers from 4 countries (France, USA, Taiwan and Russia), using a truly transdisciplinary approach combining biophysical and human sciences (sociology, economics, political sciences…) with expertise in groundwater management and policy, as well as stakeholder mobilisation.
Applying this approach in the context-specific approaches in 7 case studies with diverse contexts in France, US, Taiwan and Russia and carrying out comparative research ensuring collective learning and identification of pre-conditions for successful stakeholder processes delivering socially accepted groundwater management rules.
8 लाख किसानों को बाजरा के हाइब्रिड बीज | Millets Seeds | Kisan Of India News Update
#KisanOfIndiaNewsUpdate #HybridMilletSeed #FishFarming #ShreeAnna #Groundwater #MilletsSeed #KisanOfIndia #KOI
Our #PhDs Leonardo and Chiara showed a physical model to high-school students during the @polimi #openday held on 1st April. Chiara and Leonardo showed to future #engineers what are the main mechanisms driving contaminant transport in #groundwater bodies
NGT to Jal Shakti: How much water is used on cricket grounds every day? https://groundreport.in/?p=175910
The National Green Tribunal (#NGT) has ordered the #JalShakti Ministry to submit a report within two months on the use of #groundwater for #cricket pitch maintenance.
Over 35 builders in Greater Noida West to be booked for water theft #GreaterNoida #GreaterNoidaWest #UPPCB #NationalGreenTribunal #NGT #Groundwater https://realty.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/regulatory/over-35-builders-in-greater-noida-west-to-be-booked-for-for-water-theft/99199808
#SaveSoil #soil #SoilHealth
Let's save our undervalued soil
#SaveSoilMovement #SaveSoilSaveLife
Act Now : http://savesoil.org
#ConsciousPlanet #SadhguruJV 🙏🏻💚💚💙💙
Perhaps because it’s everywhere, the soil beneath our feet is often undervalued
It's time that we recognize the importance of #SoilHealth & invest in our planet from the soil up!
↪️ https://www.cifor-icraf.org/the-centrality-of-soil/
@lawinowiecki @ca4sh_global @CIFOR_ICRAF #SaveSoil #TreesPeoplePlanet
📢The 2023 #MissionSoil calls are now open and will fund projects on:
📉Modelling #soil processes
🍑Nutrients in soil & plants
🏜️Combating soil pollution and #desertification
+ more!
Apply by 20 September!
👉భూసార పరీక్షకు మట్టిని ఎలా సేకరించాలి అని ఆలోచిస్తున్నారా !!
👉మరిన్ని వ్యవసాయ సూచనలు పొందడానికి !!
👉 https://buff.ly/3M7VUo7
#soiltesting #soil #testing #farmer #savesoil #process #nature #plants #plant #garden #tree #green #landscape #organic #grass #water #earth
Last week's #soil news: Peat-ban delay🍀, green Finance for farming💰🌳 @GFI_green, funds for farming tech🚜, farming impact on air pollution, moon soil🌙, and more!